Motherly Love

We believe that

No parent should experience a mental health crisis.

We Are Motherly Love is a Community Interest Company serving the mothers of Waltham Forest and Redbridge, London. 

We offer a free, safe, and non-judgmental group where mothers can explore the emotions and feelings triggered by pregnancy, birth and beyond.

By fostering compassion and creating authentic connections, our hope is our mums will journey through parenthood feeling heard, validated, and supported.

Each group is facilitated by women who have experienced a perinatal mental health condition and have recovered, providing both a sense of hope for the mothers attending and a deep sense of empathy and understanding.

Our objectives are…


To help mothers find a compassionate voice, an inner confidence and a sense of value and self-worth. 


To build a community where mothers can connect with each other and create their own ‘village’. 


To provide specialist support for mothers navigating challenging transitions in their parenting journey, such as the return to work.


To work in collaboration with other mental health and wellbeing organisations, signposting mothers to wider support and resources.

Join us

Sessions currently run every Tuesday (term time only), 10-11:30am (drop in) at Make, Do & Wonder,
133 Wood Street, Walthamstow E17. 

Refreshments and a limited number of baby toys are available. If your child is over walking, please let us know in advance so we can ensure the space is safe.